“Acting for Peace - Overcoming Violence“ - International Summerschool about Conflicts and Peace

27.08.2017 | 

From August 20-27, 2017, young people from Europe and the Middle East have dealt with conflicts and their effects and their own commitment to peace.

Simulation einer internationalen Konferenz zur Lösung eines Konflikts bei der Internationalen Sommerschule 2017

A highlight of the week was the simulation of an international conference on a conflict situation that dealt with the subject of "land grabbing". The results of the summer school were finally summarized in self-produced short texts and films.

"Particularly in times of conflict like these, it is important to create meeting places, and this has been successful this week," says educational officer Marie Wilpers. "Participants have learned to analyze and understand political conflicts and get a sense of reconciliation work," Wilpers continues.

She is sure that in addition to many political debates and learning processes, the young people especially enjoyed getting to know each other and learned a lot. For while some come from conflict regions, others live in states where stability has long existed. Integrating these different perspectives and experiences - this is what makes the international summer school special.

The International Summer School was funded by the European Youth Foundation of the Council of Europe.

"Mindmap" zu politischen Konflikten